Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Brief of Tattoos

Some call it a tattoo or a tattoo is an art drawing with media agency / human skin.

TATTOO comes from Tahitian "tatu" which supposedly means the sign. Although the historical evidence of this tattoo is not so much, but the experts to conclude that tattoo art is already there since 12,000 years BC. Such tattoos ancient rituals for the ancient tribes like the Maori, Inca, Ainu, Polynesians, dll.Kalo you a trip to Egypt, try maen-maen to the pyramids, maybe you can find tattoo eldest there. Because according to history, the Egyptians who had become flourishing tattoo starter in the world. The Egyptians are known as the nation's well-known strong, so because of their expansion towards the nations laen, tattoo art is also part of it spread widely, as to the Greek, Persian, and Arabic.

Tribal tattoos on women Maori,tribal tattoos Borneo,women tattoos

FIRST, materials to make the tattoo comes from coconut shell charcoal mixed with sugarcane juice. The tools used are still very traditional. Like the wooden handle, a needle and bat from the trunk. Rural people are still using manual techniques and of traditional materials. Eskimos, for example, using needles made from animal bones. In the Shaolin temples using a heated copper barrel to print images on the skin tubih dragon. Shaolin disciples who were deemed eligible to get a symbol that, by placing their arms in a kind of mold the image of the dragon on both sides of the barrel-shaped copper heat it. Much different from now. Nowadays, especially among the urban community, making tattoo done with an electric engine. This machine was found in 1891 in England. Then pewarnanya substance use synthetic ink (tattoo ink).
 Tribal tattoos on Arm