Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tribal Dragon Tattoos

Asian dragon bodies differ from Western legends in more than just their faces. The figures of these creatures are very snake-like and stream lined. They do not have the massive wings of dragons depicted by Anglos; wings are small, if they are even present at all. The Asian dragon doesn't need these appendages to fly, but uses its magic instead.
Full length dragons can be placed just about anywhere on your body, but down the length of the arms, and across the chest or back are very popular placements.

 Arm Tribal Tattoos

How to Draw Tribal Tattoos

While each one of the Polynesian islands has its own reasons, customs and meanings to attach to their tattoos, there are some similarities between them as well. These can include the meanings of:
  • Courage
  • Rite of passage
  • Rank
  • Sexual attractiveness
  • A talisman 
 Rose tribal tattoos on arm